David's Guide to CS

Mock Exam Questions

Question 1 and 2 seem to reference this article: 8086-8088


If a physical branch target address is 5A230 when CS = 5200, what will it be if the CS = 7800 ?

  • We need to find the offset, where offset + CS(shifted 4 bits) = physical branch target address. CS(C segment register)
  • Offset = Physical branch target address - CS
  • Offset = 5A230 - 52000 = 8230 (hex)

The offset is then used to find the physical branch target adress.

  • 78000 + 8230 = 80230 = physical branch target address


Given that the EA of a data is 2359 and DS = 490B, what is the PA of data?

  • EA (effective Address), DS (D segment register), PA(Physical Address).

Physical address is given by EA + DS(shifted 4 bits).

  • DS = 490B0 (hex)
  • EA = 2359 (hex)
  • PA = 490B0 + 2359 = 4B409


Assuming, W, X, Y and Z as memory addresses. Write a program using any machine sequence that will carry out the following: Z ← W + (Z-X).

    .globl main

    lw $t1, Z #load z into temporary register 1
    lw $t2, X #load x into temporary register 2
    sub $s1, $t1, $t2 #s1 <- t1-t2
    lw $t1, W #load w into temporary register 1
    add $s1, $t1, $s1 #s1 <- t1
    sw $s1, Z # stores s1 into Z

    li $v0, 1 #prints z
    lw $a0, Z

    li $v0, 10 #exits

Z: .word  12 #arbitrary value
X: .word 10 #arbitrary value
W: .word 5 #arbitrary value

Downloadable solution prints 7


Assume that the code below is run on a machine with a 2 GHz clock that requires the following number of cycles for each instruction: add, addi, sll, sra take 4cc each, lw takes 5cc, bne, beq take 3cc each. How many seconds will it take to execute this code. The values of registers are $4=0x20, $5= 0x20, $6= 0x30, $7= 0x10.

    .globl  main

    sra $6, $6, 2   # changes original value of 0x30 / 2^2  = 0xC
    sll $7, $7, 2 # original value = 0x10, 0x10 * 2^2 = 0x40
    add $8, $0, $0 # sets register 8 to 0
L2: add $12, $4, $8 #marks L2, $12 <- 0x20 + $8, $8 is iterator
    lw  $12, 0($12) # $12 = memory at address of ($12) on stack
    add $9, $0, $0 # $9 = 0;
L1: add $11, $5, $9 #marks L1, $11 = 0x20 + $9, $9 is iterator
    lw  $11, 0($11) #$11 = memory at address of ($11) on stack
    addi $9, $9, 4 #$9 = $9 + 4
    bne $9, $7, L1 # goes to L1 if $9 != $7  0x0 + 0x4 * 0x10 = 0x40 = $9 loop executes 0x10 times
    addi $8, $8, 4 # $8 = $8 + 4
    beq $8, $6, L2 # goes to L2 if $8 == $6 exits before  $8 can equal $6

Instruction definitions

  • sra (shift right arithmetic) (sra destination, origin, shift(in bits)) rounds down
  • sll (shift left logical) (sll destination, origin, shift)
  • bne (bne r1, r2, branch address) goes to branch address if r1 != r2
  • beq (beq, r1, r2, branch address) goest to branch address if r1 == r2

Calculate number of clock cycles

Before loops

  • sra 4cc
  • sll 4cc
  • add 4cc
  • total = 12cc


  • add 4cc
  • lw 5cc
  • add 4cc
  • L1 clocks
  • addi 4cc
  • beq 3cc
  • total = (20cc + L1 clocks)*1 loop


  • add 4cc
  • lw 5cc
  • addi 4ccc
  • bne 3cc
  • total = (16cc * 16 loops) = 256 clocks

Total clocks

12cc + 20cc + 256cc = 288cc

Calculate time

288cc/(2*10^9cc/s) = 1.44 * 10^-7 seconds


X[i] = A[B[i]] + C[i+4]

  • starting address of A in $1
  • starting address of B in $2
  • starting address of C in $3
  • starting address of X in $4
  • i value in register $5

Q5 Solution download

.globl main

    sll     $s4, $5, 2          # multiplies i * 4 to conform to address form
    add     $t2, $2, $s4        # gets address of B[i] offsets address of B by i
    lw      $t3, ($t2)          # sets t3 to value at address t3 = B[i]

    sll     $t1, $t3, 2         # sets t1 to t3 * 4 to conform to address form
    add     $t2, $1, $t1        # offsets addres value in $1 by $t1 A[B[i]]
    lw      $s1, ($t2)          # sets t3 to value at address $t2 t3 = A[B[i]]

    addi    $t1, $5, 4          # offsets i by 4  = i+4
    sll     $t1, $5, 2          # multiplies i*4 to conform to address form
    add     $t2, $3, $t1        # offsets C address by i+4
    lw      $s2, ($t2)          # s2 = C[i+4]

    add     $t1, $s1, $s2       # adds A[B[i]] + C[i+4]
    add     $s3, $4, $s4        # offsets address of X by i
    sw      $t1, ($s3)          # stores $t1 to address of ($s3)


The memory units that follow are specified by the number of words times the number of bits per word. How many address lines and input/output data lines are needed in each case? (a) 8K X 16 (b) 2G X 8 (c) 16M X 32 (d) 256K X 64

Part A

  • Number of words = 8K
  • Number of bits per word = 16
  • log base 2 of words = address lines
  • 2^3 * 2^10 = 2^13 = 13 address lines
  • I/O lines = address lines + bits per word
  • 13 + 16 = 29 I/O lines

Part B

  • 2^1 * 2^30 = 2G
  • Address lines = 31
  • I/O lines = 31 + 8 = 39
  • 39 I/O lines

Part C

  • 2^4 * 2^20 = 16M
  • Address lines = 24
  • I/O lines = 24 + 32 = 56
  • 56 I/O lines

Part D

  • 2^8 * 2^10 = 256K
  • Address lines = 18
  • I/O lines = 18 + 64
  • 82 I/O lines


Find the number of bytes that can be stored in the memories: (a) 8K X 16 (b) 2G X 8 (c) 16M X 32 (d) 256K X 64

Part A

  • 8 bits per byte
  • 8K words
  • 16 bits per word
  • number of bits = 8K*16 = 2^13 * 2^4 = 2^17
  • number of bytes = 2^17/2^3 = 2^14 = 16K bytes

Part B

  • Number of bits = 2G*8 = 2^31*2^3
  • Number of bytes = 2^31*2^3/2^3 = 2^31 = 2G bytes

Part C

  • Number of bytes = 16M * 32 / 2^3 = 2^24 * 32 /2^3 = 2^26 = 64M bytes

Part D

  • Number of bytes = 256K*64/2^3 = 2^18 * 64 /2^3 = 2^24 /2^3 = 2^21 = 2M bytes


How many 128 x 8 memory chips are needed to provide a memory capacity of 4096 x 16?

  • 4096*16 / 128*8 = 64


Given a 32 x 8 ROM chip with an enable input, show the external connections necessary to construct a 128 x 8 ROM with four chips and a decoder. Useful Video

  • 2^5 = 32
  • 5 address lines for each ROM
  • 128/32 = 4 chips
  • 4 outputs on decoder (connected to enable inputs)
  • 2^2 = 4
  • 2 address lines for the decoder
  • 5 + 2 = 7 total lines for complete address


Assume we have 8GB of word addressable memory with a word size of 64 bits and each refill line of memory stores 16 words. We have a direct-mapped cache with 1024 refill lines. Answer the following questions. More examples

  1. What is the address format for the cache
  2. If we changed the cache to a 2-way set associative cache, how does the format change?
  3. If we changed the cache to a fully associative cache, how does the format change?


Part 1

  • 8GB = 8*2^30 bytes
  • 64 bit word = 8 byte word
  • 8GB / 8 byte word = 1GW (gigaword)
  • 1G = 2^30
  • 30 bits for line addresses
  • 16 words per line = 2^4
  • 4 bits for word number on line
  • address format (for MM) = [30-4 bit line address][4 bit word address]
  • 1024 refill lines = 2^10
  • 10 bits for line number
  • 26-10 bits for tag
  • [tag][line number][word number]
  • 16-10-4 = cache memory format

Part 2

  • 2 way set associate cache
  • divide refill lines by 2
  • 1024/2 = 512 = 2^9
  • 26-9 = tag
  • 17-9-4 = 2 way set cache memory format

Part 3

  • fully associative cache
  • 1 refill line = 2^0
  • 26-0 = tag
  • 26-0-4 = fully associate cache

Hard Drive Sample question

This is a writeup of question 1 from here.

Consider a disk pack with the following specifications 16 surfaces, 128 tracks per surface, 256 sectors per track, 512 bytes per sector

Capacity of Disk Space

  • Use the formula Capacity of Disk Space. 16 surfaces * 128 tracks/surface * 256 sectors/track * 512 bytes per sector = \(2^{28}\) bytes = 256 MB