Useful formulas and references
Hard Drives
Hard Drive Website Hard Drive Document from nitin
Disk access time
= Seek Time + Rotational delay + Transfer time + Controller overhead + Queuing delayAverage Disk Access
Time = Average seek time + Average rotational delay + Transfer time + Controller overhead + Queuing delayAverage Seek Time
= 1/3 * Time taken for one full stroke- (Time taken to move from track 1 to track 1 + Time taken to move from track 1 to last track)/2
- {0 + (k-1)t}/2
- (k-1)t/2
Average Rotational Latency
= 1/2 * Time taken for one full rotationCapacity of disk pack
= Total number of surfaces * Number of tracks per surface * Number of sectors per track * storage capacity of one sectorFormatting Overhead
= Number of sectors * Overhead per sectorFormatted Disk Space
= Total disk space or capacity - formatting overheadRecording density or storage density
= Capacity of track / circumference of the trackTrack Capacity
= Recording density of the track * Circumference of the trackData Transfer Rate
= Number of heads * Bytes that can be read in one full rotation * Number of rotations in one second = Number of heads * Capacity of one track * Number of rotations in one second- Tracks per surface = (Outer radius - Inner radius) / Inter Track gap
Circuit reference
- Logic Gates
- Full Adder

Computer Arithmetic
Computer arithemetic document from nitin
Memory + Cache
- Main Memory and Organization : credit to Robbie Schad
- Cache Notes
- Direct Mapping Examples
- Fully Associative Mapping Examples
- Set Associate Mapping Examples
Direct mapped cache
- physical address size (bits) = TAG + Line Number + Block/Line Offset
- \(\text{MM(size in bytes)} = 2^{\text{number Of Bits In Physical Address}} * 2^3\)
- \(\text{BlockOffset(size in bytes)} = 2^{\text{Bits In Block Offset}} * 2^3 \)
- \(\text{number of lines} = 2^{\text{bits in line number}} = \frac{\text{Cache size}}{\text{Line Size}} \)
- \(\text{tag directory size} = \text{number of lines in cache * Number of bits in tag} = \text{Number of Tags} * \text{Tag size} \)
Set Associative Mapped cache
- physical address size (bits) = TAG + Set Number + Block/line Offset
- \(2^\text{Set Number (bits)} = \frac{\text{Lines in cache}}{\text{Number of sets}}\)
Fully associative cache
- physical address size (bits) = TAG + Block offset
pipelining document from nitin
\(\text{Speed Up (S)} = \frac{\text{Non-pipelined execution time}}{\text{Pipelined execution time}}\)
\(\text{Efficiency} = \frac{\text{Speed Up}}{\text{Number of stages in Pipelined Architecture}}\)
\(\text{Efficiency} = \frac{\text{Number of boxes utilized in phase time diagram}}{\text{Number of boxes in phase time diagram}}\)
\(\text{Throughput} = \frac{\text{Number of instructions executed}}{\text{Total time taken}}\)
Non-pipelined execution time = Total number of instructions * Time taken to execute one instruction = n * k clock cycles
Pipelined execution time
= Time taken to execute first instruction + Time take to execute remaining instructions
= 1 * k clock cycles + (n-1) * 1 clock cycle
= (k + n-1) clock cycles
Cycle time
= Maximum delay due to any stage + Delay due to its register -
delay due to its register
=latch delay
pipeline time for x tasks = Time taken for 1st task + Time taken for remaining tasks
= number of phases * cycle time + (total tasks -1) * cycle time